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There are people within the manosphere community who routinely take the piss out of being MGTOW. Why? Because MGTOW doesn't conform with their worldview, or they just can't rationalize any other way. Slaves to the marriage plantation. WILLINGLY. These guys who promote chasing after women, getting laid. "Playing the game". Finding a tradcon to settle down with.. They don't get it. These manosphere guys are so content at enforcing societal norms, which is the opposite of what MGTOW has been about; for a society that doesn't fucking respect them. That has routinely waged war against them. They can't rationalize walking away. So they take the piss out of MGTOW for doing so. I don't care if these dudes sign up for the bondage of the marriage plantation, but don't try to take me down with you. I'm tunneling my way out of the plantation. To freedom. I love my peace of mind, I love my solitude, I love being a free man, and wouldn't trade it for a fucking thing. I love not coming home to a woman, I love not having a woman try and tell me what to do. I love not having a woman spend me into debt. I love not having to assume her debt. I love being able to come and go as I please. I love having money. I love my solitude. I love my freedom. Not being relegated to the basement, not having to ask permission. I do what I want, when I want, however I want. Most importantly of all, I love not playing mind games. And it feels fucking great. What does your freedom mean to you? There isn't a price I wouldn't pay for mine. No price can be put on that. It isn't just about not cohabitating with women, or getting married... It's about recognizing that you don't have to derive your purpose as a MAN by the self sacrifice FOR others. It's a state of mind, a philosophy. A way of BEING. Finding a purpose in your life ABOVE what society expects from you, demands from you, and feels compelled to shame you towards. At the same time, determining your own destiny on YOUR terms. Guys on this subreddit and on forums all over the net figured out that they didn't need to work out to get chicks. They work out because they care about their bodies and want to be healthy. They figured out that they didn't need to slave over a job to provide for someone else. But that they could focus on making money to secure their future. THEIR future. Not someone else's. Simply because society told them to. And that whatever future they make is THEIRS. Not someone else's. It's a great thing. And men can be proud to wave that banner. It isn't just about walking away from women, and expectations. But about walking away from society. Head held high. Forging our own path. No longer are we laying our lives down. Because our lives have value. Follow your own path. On your own terms. TheOriginalIRuleMe r/MGTOW
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