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Life is lonely, feel like an outsider but you wouldn’t know it if you saw me and knew me. I’ve always felt like an outsider. I’m very independently minded which has led to some loneliness. I don’t care about what broad society deems important. I’m not blue pilled but I’m also not depressing to be around. I’m generally pretty happy. I’m a tall, somewhat good looking and charismatic person which all sounds nice and dandy, but I’m finding myself more and more alienated from society because of my worldview and life goals. I’m at the age where all of my friends have married. I see them less and less and when I do talk to them they seem less and less like the people I used to know. The wife clearly has an influence on them and perhaps they are putting ideas in their head that I’m bad to be around. One of my best friends recently has either stopped responding to me, responds days later and won’t follow up on my invite to hang out. I guess we won’t really be friends much longer. I love who I am, but don’t find a lot of people that I believe appreciate me for me. I definitely long for better friends in the future and I will always be going my own way. But I guess in the meantime in this dark moment of reflection I will cry to people on the internet. I usually just do hobbies I love and try to stay positive. Anyone else feel like this from time to time? Hopefully you have something uplifting to say. Thanks WhiteLash communities.win
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