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Men are trained to believe that seeking and finding a good romantic partner is, next to career, the most important mission in life. Most men tend to be goal-oriented or mission-oriented, so if you tell them this is the mission, they’ll take it up. And that’s what we tell men from the time they are boys: love and work are the two most important things in life. Get your career and get your woman. That is your assignment. Don’t screw it up. Not only your happiness is at stake, but your very manhood. We get the messages from all angles. We get it from TV, movies, music, and ads. We get it from family, friends, and peers. If you are a man well into his 20s and haven’t secured a good relationship, you are viewed as a failure and less of a man. There is a good deal of pressure to couple up. At the same time, culture also presents a very distorted picture of relationships themselves, which makes things more difficult. The portraits we see of relationships in the movies, for instance, are ridiculously unrealistic. So from one side, culture tells us that romantic relationships are the be-all, and that if you aren’t in one, you’re missing a vital human experience. And meanwhile, it also gives us a very distorted picture of what relationships are, how they work, and what they can offer. The treasure is irreplaceable, and here’s a lousy map that will lead you in circles. https://goodbachelorhood.com/
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