What am I talking about when I mention this? Your personal boundaries are a combination of mental, and emotional. Within your personal boundary are things you can control. 100%. Your actions, your decision making, all part of your personal boundary. So what's outside of your personal boundary? Things you can't control. Investing energy in things you can't control is allowing the penetration of your boundaries. A cuck for example, and we talk about cucks a lot within the MGTOW community, is a good example of someone with no personal boundaries. Why is that? Well, let's example the traits of the types of men we typically call cucks.
They're a pushove mentally, and emotionally. Which is precisely why the female dominates the relationship. The cuck is more likely to go along with what the weemin wants because he has no personal boundary. No point at which he stands up for himself and says "NO!" If he gets emotional, it comes at a point of weakness whereas the woman doesn't take his grievances seriously. In fact, she laughs it off. Their defense allows them to be used and abused. Taken advantage off, and left humiliated. A personal with strong personal boundaries shuts those attacks (behaviorally speaking) down and remains firm in what is and what is not acceptable in their presence.
So why is having personal boundaries important? Well, if you recognize your own self worth, you recognize that there are those who seek to take from you in some fashion. They try to take your self esteem, your resources, your time, your emotional energy (state of well being). People, esp women are always feeling around the edges of your personal boundary to see if they can find holes in your defense. Ways in which they can get what they want, and leave you worse off. Which is why establishing a line of personal boundaries is important. Being able to tell when such actions are happening, and standing your ground are important.
Focusing on protecting your physical assets is great. But don't overlook the personal aspects as well. Make quality decisions in the face of stress to keep it from penetrating your personal boundary and robbing you of your mental/emotional state.
Stay strong, stay focused. Carry on brothers.