Текст: I recommend you go monk
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I became MGTOW in 2017, soon after ghost and around 6 months ago, I decided monk was the way forward for me. Since going into monk-mode, I've really discovered myself. And I don't mean like 304's when they discover themselves by discovering Chad's 11 incher. I've discovered who I am, what I'm about and I've been able to make positive and lasting changes in my life.
I have some health conditions, some of which can be managed by a very good diet without the need for medication. So I went vegan (and no, I'm not preaching you should, but yeah, maybe at least look into it, that's all I'll say, I'm not here to preach) and I've never felt better. My skin is looking better, my hair and nails grow faster - who'd have thunk it? "You are what you eat" is true.
Savings. My savings are actually starting to take shape. My debt? Reducing dramatically. By the end of 2024 I'll be debt free (minus the mortgage on the house).
Health-wise, I've got some surgery before I can get back to some level of fitness, but I've got a plan carved out for the future which involves holidays (vacations for those of you in the US) without any romantic partners.
It makes logical sense and I'm living proof - once you GYOW, go ghost and then monk, your life can take a turn for the best. No women nagging, no women causing arguments, no fighting or fussing, it's life on your terms.
When I was with ex girlfriends, I'd be eating shitty fast food, I was overweight, lethargic, fatigued etc you name it. I had no spare money for anything. I was always spending on making her happy (her = multiple relationships in the past).. Now, I've got plans for international travel, getting a house renovation done, running my German-made Audi every weekend on a nice-pace (not fast, just a genuine nice pace) cruise down the motorway. It's bliss.
If you aren't ghost, or aren't monk, do it. Try it. Even just for a few months. By quitting meat, eating vegan, eating super clean, no junk food, a healthy lifestyle, saving money, no arguments - my blood pressure is down, my weight is down, my stress levels are down. I feel like monk mode really is nirvana for the soul. I'm like a Buddhist who has reached nirvana. This is it.
What are your experiences of going monk? Did you realise anything about yourself? And for those who aren't ghost then monk, will you be at least trying it?